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Sainik School ERP Software

E-Gurukul ERP has integrated modules to manage the entire school administrative processes.
The Staff portal lets Staff to know the facts and figure updated every moment through the ERP.
Cadet can log in with their user id to view the academic activity and send messages to teacher anytime.
Easy to installed on Mobile Devices and keep updated every activity regarding School.
E-Gurukul is an information, communication and technology (ICT) company formed by IT professionals having expertise in IT Enabled Services and School Software Development (E-GURUKUL) for Sainik School, who supervise the company under their extensive experience of business and technology. This rich experience of promoters in multivariate industries and technology assures the prolific delivery of customer requirements at a faster pace with more care and variety.
E-Gurukul is an organization which has worked in association with the Ministry of Defence (Sainik School).
The implementation of this particular software will be proved to be highly beneficial to the school, in the concise sense of educating student's teachers and non-teaching staff members, parents and the at large. Where E-Gurukul will ensure the smooth functioning of the day-to-day operations of the school, E-Gurukul will enable parent-school interaction in an instant manner bridging all the possible communication gaps.
E-Gurukul includes eighteen core modules covering major aspects with a provision of sending emails, notifications and mobile message alerts to staff members, parents and the students for communicating the relevant updates, issues and reminders in an effective and timely manner. It can be easily integrated with the existing official website of the school and the bio-metric system respectively.
In addition to this E-Gurukul covers the pivotal aspects in the form of features viz. student profile, daily attendance, circular and notices, daily homework, examination results, fee details, Accounting System, Library, Inventory, Transport, teacher remarks and updates, can be sent and viewed in an instant manner.
This is one of the most important modules in E-Gurukul which acts as a brain for the entire School ERP nervous system. All the modules are interlinked with the student information system which enables a school to fetch any type of information with just one click. Any report such as fees due, attendance, etc. can be generated with the help of the student information system.
Easy to use a module, helps in storing all the available details of any staff member of the school. It can be easily accessed by a person who has the authority to view the files. Our online school ERP software enables a school to vigilantly maintain updated records of school staff. The school database can be accessed from anywhere by a person who has the authority.
Our Sainik School ERP software helps in maintaining all the finances of the school effortlessly. We have been blessed to work with financial experts and schools to provide one of the best financial solutions designed for the schools. Our school management software is a complete transparent solution since income and expenditure are accounted automatically.
Our cloud-based school management system enables a school to digitally store and take attendance. Also, a parent is immediately notified if the child is absent from the school. Moreover, a parent can apply for a leave for their child without any hassle. In other words, our reputed school management software enables a school to automatically notify the parent when the child does not attend the school.
Never lose track of your inventory with our school management software. Our recognized school ERP helps to maintain a record for each and every item that is present in the school. It helps keep track of item and the best part is it can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have the permission to do so.
Our exam & result module enables a school to generate beautiful report cards by just clicking a single button. These report cards are generated in accordance with the boards' guidelines. These report cards can be viewed by the parents on their mobile thus, reducing the need for an unnecessary visit to the school. Moreover, the school, teacher, principal and parent can generate a detail analysis report produced by our exclusive software which helps them to determine the key performance areas from those areas which need some work.
This exclusive module of our school management software helps in effectively manage thousands of books, videos, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, school album, etc. in a library through an automated process. We follow ISBN criteria which is accordance with the global standards thus, now a school doesn't have to worry about the location of a particular book.
This module helps in maintaining the salary of non-teaching as well as teaching staff of the school. Further, our ERP helps in generating accurate income tax reports (FORM 16) for tax filing purposes. Also, it provides ECR report which helps in maintaining accurate data for the amount transferred in the provident fund which can be uploaded on the EPFO website.
It helps a school in collecting fees through an online process and helps in maintaining a proper database of each and every transaction. Regular notifications are sent to parents in terms of due fees, late payment, etc. in our ERP. This module is directly integrated with financial accounting which enables a school to keep a vigilant track of its funds. Also, this enables a school to accept school fees through an online medium which is directly transferred to its bank account.